Friday, December 31, 2004



I am a 10 year old girl and I live in Philippines. My heart pains when I hear about so many children of all ages getting affected by Tsunami. When I see the TV and see the grim pictures, I am scared and I think how will they survive now!

I think how will they live without their parents, without their brothers and sisters, and how are they going to live. They have nothing to eat nothing to drink, and some of them are so small. So I decided to set up this website for all the children that have been affected by Tsunami. When I told my Papa about setting up this, he was very happy and he helped me set this up.

So I request all of you- uncles, aunts, my friends, and anyone who will like to help the kids, who are now alone and lost in this world to come forward and help them. I will try to make links to some of the sites but as I don't know much about many of the this, I will be happy if you post your help on this site. Me and my young brother of five years, we both will be very happy if some way we can help all these young children!

My Papa also told me that we can donate what ever we like and there are peple and agencies who will reach this help to the needy people. So please give me more details on that so that I can add them to my site. I heard that many young children have been lost also and if you have any details which you want to put on my site please do that. Please also give me more ideas on how we can make a difference.

For Manila, I will request any of you who will like to send help to please send me an email, and my Papa says he can arrange to collect the help and send it to India.

And finally, I have to make a request "Please Help the Children-They are so small and innocent that they do not realize what has happened". They are like us-sweet and charming!

I am very thankful to all of you who will read my site and give help. My email address is

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